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What is WWW?

October 23, 2021 posted by Junior Kian Chong

Definition of WWW

World Wide Web is short for WWW. The World Wide Web’s technical concept is: all the Internet tools and users who use the Hypertext Transmission Protocol and the World Wide Web is the continuum of knowledge e that is open to the net. WWW also offers knowledge sharing on the Internet between computers, connecting them into a broad range of interactive multimedia services.

Timothy Berners Lee set up the World Wide Web at CERN in Geneva in 1989. As a suggestion from him, the World Wide Web came into being so that researchers could interact effectively at CERN. This became the World Wide Web finally. Small websites store all of their Webpages on one server while large websites or organizations place their Webpages on separate servers in various countries so that they can easily retrieve information from the next server when users in a country search their websites.

History of (WWW) World Wide Web

A British scientist, Tim Berners-Lee, created the World Wide Web in 1989. During the time he served during CERN. Initially, it was created to meet the need for automated information sharing among scientists worldwide, to make it easy to share the information and results of experiments and studies. CERN is a network of more than 1,700 scientists from over 100 countries where Tim Berners has worked. During their research at universities and national laboratories in their home countries, these scientists spend some time on the CERN website so that they have effective communication resources to share knowledge. At this time the Internet and Hypertext were available, but no one considered how to connect or exchange one of the documents through the Internet.

How World Wide Web Works?

We now understand that WWW is an internet-linked set of websites for the search and sharing of information. Now, let’s see what it’s like!

When requested by the users, the servers store and transfer web pages or information to the network computers of users. A web server is a software system that provides a guide to web pages requested by web users. The client is known as the machine of the user requesting documents from a server. The browser built on the computer of the user permits users to access the documents they have found. Web servers hold all the websites. Much like someone lives on rent in a home, a website takes up and stays stored on a computer. Where a user requests their web pages and the site owner pays the hosting price for the same domain, the server is hosted on the domain. The WWW starts working when you open your browser and enter a URL in the address bar or check Google.

World Wide Web and Internet

Many people combine the terms “Net” and “World Wide Web.” We think that they’re the same, but they aren’t. The Internet is completely unlike WWW. It is a global network of computers, tablets, laptops, etc. It helps users to send e-mails and chat online to other users. For instance, you use the Internet if you send an e-mail or speak to someone online. However, you use the World Wide Web, a network of servers across the internet, when you have opened a Website like for details. You request a website from your device through a browser and it is sent to your browser by the server. Your computer is called the web browser client and asks for the information that it wants from the other computer (server).

Hypertext Transfer Protocol:

It is the application-level protocol that allows WWW to operate seamlessly and efficiently with the HyperText Transfer Protocol. It is based on a model client-server. The user is a web browser interacting with the webserver running the website. This protocol specifies the encoding and transmission of messages and the action to be taken by the Web server and the user in response to different commands. If you insert a URL into your browser, an HTTP command is forwarded to the webserver and the requested link is transmitted. When we open a site using a browser, we open a link to the server and submit an order to the website using HTTP. HTTP is transmitted to the server via TCP / IP. The server processes the application of the client and sends a response, which then closes the connection. The client then retrieves the server information for the user.

Coding . Web Development

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